
The IPCC Report: Facing our Future

This October, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a report that has shaken the global community. The IPCC was invited by the UN to report this year on the effects that we would experience if the global temperature warms 1.5℃ (2.7°F) above pre-industrial levels. They released a full report along with a technical summary and policymaker summary. The report contains scientific, technical, and socio-economic findings and has major ramifications across these disciplines. The contents of this report are grim, but give us a much more concrete vision of our future—something that is vital as the world makes plans to prevent catastrophic climate change.

Since civilization hit the industrial revolution in the mid-1800s, humanity has been dumping carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the air at an exponential rate. This has led to an increasing amount of sunlight and heat being trapped in our atmosphere, and consequently an increase in our planet’s average temperature. Even a slight increase in this global temperature has immense impacts on our climate and in turn the survival of life on Earth, including humans.

The IPCC report begins by defining what exactly the average global temperature was before humanity started to affect it. The IPCC defines pre-industrial levels as the average global temperature over the period of 1850-1900. The report then talks about where we are now. We have already caused a 1℃ rise in the average global temperature compared to pre-industrial levels. Effects from climate change are already happening, and at this point they are inevitable.

However, we still have control over how severe these effects become, and how long they will last. On our current global trajectory, we will reach a 2℃ increase by 2040. With the passage of the Paris Climate Agreement, the world committed itself to changing this trajectory. Countries promised to keep the increase to under 2℃, and to strive to keep the increase near 1.5℃. In reality, the agreement has little binding power. Globally, we are struggling to reach the 2℃ goal, never mind 1.5℃, which is currently categorized as ‘above and beyond.’

The IPCC report focuses on the changes in our climate that will result if we curb the global temperature rise at 1.5℃ as compared to an increase of 2℃. Although any further rise in the global temperature has and will result in devastating changes to our natural and human systems, the difference between 1.5℃ and 2℃ warming is significant. This report makes it clear that 1.5℃ should not be considered as ‘above and beyond,’ but instead as the absolute limit for global temperature rise.

By 2100, the global average sea level rise is projected to be 0.1 meter lower at 1.5℃ than at 2℃. Sea level rise will continue past 2100, and it is inevitable at this stage. However, sticking to the 1.5℃ goal and slowing the rate of sea level rise will allow more time for adaptation of coastal communities impacted by this rise. Although 0.1 meters may not seem significant, it will make a big difference in giving the world time to prepare for sea level rise.

One of the most poignant symbols of this change in global temperature is the livelihood of the coral reefs. At 2℃, more than 99% of coral reefs will die off due to coral bleaching. At 1.5℃, only 70-90% of current coral reefs are projected to die off. The loss of this incredible phenomenon would be a tragedy. The majority of the ocean’s biodiversity exists in coral reefs, they serve as a buffer that protects coastlines from tropical storms, and they function as important primary producers as well.

The frequency of a sea-ice-free Arctic during summer is substantially lower at 1.5℃ than at 2℃. At 1.5℃, an ice-free summer will happen once per century; at 2℃, it will happen at least once per decade.

In addition to the effects mentioned previously, a 2℃ rise instead of 1.5℃ will drive the loss of coastal resources, reduce the productivity of fisheries and aquaculture, and lead to greater species loss and extinction. Vector-borne diseases, such a malaria and dengue fever, are expected to increase and shift geographic regions. A 2℃ rise will lead to larger net reductions of cereal crop yields such as maize, rice, and wheat.

As the global temperature warms, the effects outlined above are expected to lead to increased poverty and disadvantages in vulnerable populations. Limiting the temperature rise to 1.5℃ instead of 2℃ could reduce the number of people who will be susceptible to poverty and facing climate-related risks by up to several hundred million by 2050.

The IPCC states that reaching the 1.5℃ goal and protecting what we can of our world requires “upscaling and acceleration of far-reaching, multi-level and cross-sectoral climate mitigation and by both incremental and transformational adaptation.” While the Paris Climate Agreement was a historical step for humankind, it’s not nearly enough to save us. The agreement was the beginning of this world transformation; true change will require continued, tenacious, collaborative effort.

This information can be overwhelming and disheartening. We at the office understand that, and know that this work requires stubborn positivity. The only way we’re going to get close to reaching the 1.5℃ goal is if we wholeheartedly believe in our mission and in the future of our world. Even if we do not reach our goal of 1.5℃, or even that of 2℃, any change we make now will still have an important effect on generations to come. So get out there and make some change happen. Reduce your carbon footprint. Vote on November 6th. Start improving your community. Collaborate with friends and neighbors. Have meaningful conversations with those around you. We are each just one person, but we still have an important, irreplaceable influence on the world around us.

Link to the IPCC’s Report: http://www.ipcc.ch/report/sr15/

UConn Joins the University Climate Change Coalition (UC3)

By Charlotte Rhodes

UConn has recently entered into the University Climate Change Coalition (UC3) and is joining a network of 16 other leading research universities committed to channeling their resources into accelerating and easing the transition to a low carbon future on local and regional levels.

Climate change is one of the most challenging environmental issues facing society and has already begun to cause negative impacts on our ecosystems, communities, and health. The multi-layer complexity of our changing climate makes it a particularly difficult issue to address, and solutions complicated to implement. Everyone plays a part in mitigating climate change, and UC3 recognizes the significant role universities play when it comes to stimulating action. The Coalition will pilot a collaborative model; partnering with businesses, government, and higher education, to develop more realistic, scalable climate solutions.

University President Susan Herbst affirms UConn’s dedication to environmental sustainability saying, “Research universities are uniquely qualified to address the myriad of challenges of a problem as urgent and complex as climate change. We can lead not only by developing research, technology, and policy to effectively curb carbon emissions and ameliorate the effects of climate change on our communities, but also by making sustainability a core component of our mission and identity. The University of Connecticut is proud to join with our UC3 partner institutions in working to find solutions now to what could ultimately be the most important challenge of the 21st century.”

Executive Director of UConn’s Connecticut Institute of Resilience and Climate Adaptation (CIRCA), Jim O’Donnell remarked that “dozens of faculty from four different colleges are [currently] working on CIRCA-sponsored projects,” and feels that “UConn’s membership in UC3 will accelerate progress by further broadening interdisciplinary partnerships.” Many other UConn faculty are in agreement, including the Director of UConn’s Atmospheric Sciences Group, Dr. Anji Seth, who describes UC3 as “an excellent platform for UConn’s continued leadership on climate action.” Joining UC3 is the latest advancement in UConn’s long-term commitment to environmental sustainability and Dr. Mark Urban, Director of UConn’s Center of Biological Risk, considers “UConn’s membership in the UC3 Coalition…a logical and vital next step in order to keep UConn at the forefront of global climate action.”

The consensus among students is overwhelmingly supportive. Anna Freeda, a junior double-majoring in Psychology and Communications, is “excited to see UConn’s administration taking proactive measures to combat climate change.” Similarly, Taylor Doolan, a junior Allied Health major, is “proud of UConn’s dedication to the environment and [is] looking forward to seeing what the Coalition will accomplish.”

Formed in February 2018, UC3 is still quite new, but is certainly committed and ambitious. As they continue to evolve, UC3 looks forward to meeting their goals and spurring climate action across the country.

6 Stupendous Sustainability Courses to Take in Fall 2018

With the Spring Semester quickly reaching its end, the class pick time season is once again upon us. Lucky for UConn students, there are hundreds of interesting courses to choose from, ranging from topics as far and wide as the mind can imagine. However, given this range of options, it can be difficult to navigate the extensive class lists. As students with passions for sustainability, the interns at the Office of Environmental Policy have compiled a concise list of some of their favorite sustainability courses, all of which are offered this upcoming fall. We hope that this list will aid your class selection process! Happy choosing!


SPSS/SAPL 2100: Environmental Sustainability of Food Production in Developed Countries

(Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

The current average population increase is estimated at a staggering 83 million people per year, a number that places us at 9.7 billion people by 2050. Given this steady increase, food production will need to accommodate the growing population size. However, the agricultural sector currently contributes to one third of the Earth’s total greenhouse gas emissions. The sector will need to alter its current practices to ensure both food security and environmental sustainability. Take this class to investigate alternative food systems, and the benefits and environmental risks associated with modern food production. (3 credits)

 PHIL 3216: Environmental Ethics

Do trees have rights? Whose interests count? Whose interests must we consider? If you have ever pondered these questions, look no further. This class allows students to inquire about the extension of ethics to both human and non-human species, and challenges traditional boundaries of philosophical thought. (3 credits)

AH 3175: Environmental Health 

The environment is not just made up of the woods in our backyards or the national parks we hike. It is also the quality of the air we breathe and the clean water we drink. This course investigates the true meaning of environmental health as a crucial component of any public health system, and exposes students to the health consequences of exposure to toxic chemicals, radiation, and food contaminants. Open to junior or higher, this course provides an advanced perspective of the basic principles of toxicology and complex occupational hazards.  (3 credits)

Senior OEP intern Christen highly recommends this course, saying: “Environmental Health is a great interdisciplinary course that highlights the ways we impact our environment, as well as how our environment impacts us.”

BADM 3252: Corporate Social Impact and Responsibility

Can the private sector contribute to a future of shared environmental accountability, equity, and sustainability? Learn to navigate this debate in class through the deconstruction, and discussion, of social impacts and human rights implications as they relate to global operations of multinational corporations.  (3 credits)

SPSS 1125: Insects, Food, Culture

Welcome to the interesting world of bugs and their multifaceted interactions with nature and people. A perfect course for fans of Pixar’s A Bug’s Life, this course introduces the varied roles of insects in traditional human culture, ranging from their contributions to fiber and food production, popular culture, and commerce.  (3 credits)

EVST 1000: Introduction to Environmental Studies

Need one more class to fulfill content area two, social sciences? Want to think critically about the intersections of contemporary environmental themes across a wide array of sectors and disciplines? Introduction to Environmental Studies is the course for you. Explore environmental action from a variety of approaches and take a look at the different perspectives of the relationships between humans and nature. (3 Credits)

Here’s what our interns have to say:

Jon: “Great introduction to analyzing environmental issues from a holistic perspective”

Emma: “This class was basic enough for a non-major student to be interested and understanding of the content while laying a strong groundwork for any students with an Environmental major.”




4 Black Environmentalists Who Changed the Environmental Movement

If you take a glance at the extensive legacy of black American history, the intersections with conservation are undeniable. From urban and rural agriculturalists, environmental scientists, planetwalkers, and environmental justice activists, the legacy of black Environmentalists exists in our natural places, National Parks, and enacted policy.  In celebration of Black History Month, and the often untold contributions made by black environmentalists, we will be highlighting four black Americans who have advanced and innovated the fields of conservation, environmentalism, and activism: Dr. John Francis, Majora Carter, Charles Young, and Margie Richard.

  1. Charles Young, the first black US national park superintendent

    Charles Young 

If you have ever had the opportunity to gaze upon the majestic Sequoia trees in California’s Sequoia National Park, you can thank Charles Young, the first Black colonel in the United States Army and fierce protector of the great Sequoias. It was under the careful instruction of Colonel Charles Young that the U.S. Army worked to preserve the Sequoias, and transformed the Sequoia forest from an impenetrable wilderness into the revered Sequoia National Park

Young’s journey towards this position was a difficult one, as he was born into slavery in Kentucky on March 12, 1864. It was through the legacy of his father, who had escaped slavery to join the Union Army during the Civil War, that Young attended West Point Military Academy.

Not only was Young the third black American to graduate from West Point, but he was the first black National Parks Superintendent, where environmental preservation was at the forefront of his life’s work. In this position, Young ensured the preservation of the great wilderness, and commanded a group of park rangers that became known as the “Buffalo Soldiers.”  They kept the park free from poachers and ranchers whose grazing sheep destroyed the parks’ natural habitats. In 2013, Young was recognized as a true American hero, when President Barack Obama used the Antiquities Act to designate Young’s house as the 401st unit of the National Park System, the Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument.

  1. Dr. John Francis, American environmentalist and planetwalker

     John Francis

The modern day interpretation of an activist goes something like this: a young, jarring individual with an unapologetically loud voice, raised fist, and picket sign. And while this image was birthed from the largest and most successful social movements of the past century, an alternative form of activism has also emerged, in which silence can become the loudest and most compelling voice in the room. A conservationist, educator, and best-selling author, Dr. John Francis, also known as the ‘Planetwalker’ is best known for his impressive 22-year motorized transportation boycott, and his 17-year vow of silence.

Inspired by the horrific 1971 San Francisco Bay oil spill, Dr. Francis’s legacy led to years on foot, during which he traveled across the United States and Latin America, receiving a Ph.D. in Land Management from the University of Wisconsin-Madison along the way. In his decades-long journey, Dr. Francis observed the mutual disconnect between people and the environment, and urged people to reposition themselves as intricate pieces in the overall concept of the environment.

After breaking his silence during the first Earth Day in 1990, Dr. Francis has gone on to an extensive career in conservation, as both an educator and environmental policy maker. To date, he has garnered dozens of environmental accolades: being named the National Geographic Society’s first Education Fellow in 2010, an ambassador to the United Nations Environment Program’s Goodwill Ambassador to the World’s Grassroots Communities, and an acclaimed bestselling author.

  1. Majora Carter 

    Majora Carter, American urban revitalization strategist and public radio host

If you’ve ever watched an online TED talk, there is a high probability that you have come across Majora Carter’s inspiring lecture entitled ‘Greening the Ghetto.’ With several million views and counting, Carter’s compelling TED talk outlines her journey fighting for environmental justice in the South Bronx, in which she draws key connections between economic, ecological, and social degradation.

As an activist in the 1990s, Carter brought the South Bronx its first open-waterfront park in 60 years, and founded ‘Sustainable South Bronx,’ an organization to mobilize grassroots environmental activism among New York City’s poorest and most environmentally oppressed citizens. In the present day, Carter works to help people in low-income communities realize that they don’t have to move out of their neighborhoods in order to live in a healthier environment.

While most acclaimed as an urban revitalization strategy consultant, Carter is also a real estate developer and a Peabody Award-winning broadcaster, whose innovative views on urban renewal have altered the understanding of comprehensive urban policy to include goals for environmental protection and restoration. Carter was also awarded a “Genius Grant” by the John D. and Katherine T. McArthur Foundation. Her company, the Majora Carter Group, is putting green economic tools to use, unlocking the potential of every place, from inner cities to rural communities, university campuses, government projects and industrial parks.

  1.   Margie Richard

    Margie Eugene-Richard, 2004 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner, North America (United States), holding Ouroboros statuette.

In Southern Louisiana sits an area known as Old Diamond, a small neighborhood in Norco where residents are sandwiched between a Shell Chemical plant and an oil refinery owned by a Shell joint venture. For decades, the residents of this predominantly black neighborhood suffered under the constant fear of an industrial accident, and faced unusually high rates of cancer, birth defects, and respiratory diseases.  These environmental threats were a result of decades-long and, in some cases, ongoing environmental contamination stemming from the industrial operations that surrounded the residential neighborhood.

After years of being subjected to these environmental risks, and following the death of her sister from a rare bacterial infection, in the early-1990s, resident Margie Richard founded the Concerned Citizens of Norco, an environmental justice citizens’ group that fought for fair resettlement of Old Diamond residents in order to escape the daily threat of health and environmental hazards. After an intense community-based air quality research study, and 13 years of Ms. Richard’s tireless leadership, the CCN finally reached an agreement with Shell that paid for the  relocation of Old Diamond residents to new homes, in neighborhoods with clean air, water and soil.

Margie Richards is a true pioneer of the environmental justice movement.  Her work led her to become the first black American to win the Goldman Environmental Award in 2004.




Give Back with the ECOCoin!

As we enter the fourth week of the spring semester, many of the alluring ‘back to school’ deals are coming to an end. Fortunately, the UConn community can now turn to the new and improved ECOCoin program, the Bookstore’s latest and greatest customer incentive. Engineered in collaboration with the Office of Environmental Policy (now Office of Sustainability) and the UConn Bookstore, the ECOCoin program allows customers the ability to give back and be environmentally friendly: all with one, simple action.

A successful day of EcoCoin collection at the UConn Bookstore

Sounds like a pretty enticing sales pitch, right? But what’s the catch?

Unlike typical discounts and sales, the ECOCoin program is straight forward and not time exclusive. In fact, the way to participate is fairly simple. After purchasing an item at the UConn Bookstore, customers need only choose an ECOCoin over a standard plastic bag. That’s where the fun truly begins! Not only is an ECOCoin a savvy item that represents a commitment to sustainability, but the five cent-equivalent coin can also be dropped into one of three local charity boxes on one’s way out of the bookstore: CLiCK Willimantic, UConn’s Campus Sustainability Fund, or Habitat for Humanity.

ECOCoin instruction poster located at the UConn Bookstore

With the program in the works since mid-January, the UConn community has already shown its commitment to sustainable practices on campus with the success of the ECOCoin program. To date, the program has already been readily available and used by students and visitors alike! With so many weeks still left in the semester, we can only imagine the cumulative positive impact this program will have!

So what are you waiting for? Head over to the UConn Bookstore to participate in the ECOCoin program, where you can be environmentally conscious and generous at the same time!


Meet the OEP Interns: Caroline & Hannah

What could the captain of the Women’s Ultimate Frisbee team and an avid “Chopped” enthusiast possibly have in common? Besides an uncanny love for all things outdoors (and the ability to binge watch several episodes of a television series), both students are current sustainability interns at the Office of Environmental Policy! In our fourth installment of the ‘Meet the Interns’ blog, we will profile two more remarkable interns, junior Caroline and senior Hannah. Each very different in their current endeavors and career aspirations, Caroline and Hannah are brought together by a genuine passion for sustainability, a unifying trait that makes them both student environmental leaders.

Junior Caroline’s path to the OEP was nothing short of fate. As a first-semester Chemistry major in the Honors Program, Caroline hoped to continue the environmental involvement she had enjoyed in high school, where she won several accolades including the Northeast Resource Recycling Association (NRRA) Innovative Recycling Idea award, the EcoMaine Eco-Excellence award, and the Aquarion Water Company Environmental Champion Award for a compost project she coordinated her senior year. That experience led her to enroll in the one credit UNIV course in Environmental Sustainability taught by the OEP’s Director, Rich Miller. She excelled in the class, often volunteering for extra credit work, like collecting recyclables at Green Game Day – not because she needed the bonus points but because she loved making a difference.

Soon after her first semester and the UNIV course had ended, she was encouraged to apply for an OEP sustainability internship. Determined as she is about many of her goals, Caroline jumped at the chance – and the rest is history! Fast forward two years and we find an experienced, hard-working team player, who considers her internship an opportunity that has undeniably transformed her college experience. She even stayed in Connecticut this past summer and worked part-time hours at the OEP, rather than return home to New Hampshire.
Caroline’s internship has not only fulfilled her college aspiration of continued environmental involvement, but also taught her about sustainability initiatives on campus and the inter-workings of the university as a whole. Whether it’s analyzing data in order to maintain UConn’s top 10 Green Campus national rankings or manning a recycling dumpster at Rentschler Field, Caroline is all about teamwork and helping out wherever she can. In her two years as a sustainability intern, she has become an expert in her focused initiatives, namely the EcoMadness competition and Green Game Days. As a lead intern for both events, Caroline has served on the front lines for UConn community engagement and outreach covering topics from energy and water conservation to proper recycling during football games. She’s excited about traveling to Bonn, Germany for the UN’s Annual climate summit next month, as part of the UConn@COP23 contingent.
Additionally remarkable, is Caroline’s involvement outside of the office. She has previously worked as a ski instructor, and continues to serve as an undergraduate researcher, captain and secretary of the Women’s Ultimate Frisbee team, and President of a newly created club, the Undergraduate Society of Plastics Engineers. An intern of the coolest proportions, the OEP is incredibly lucky to call Caroline one of their own!

Senior sustainability intern, Hannah, adds to the long list of talented undergraduates working at the OEP, as she is simultaneously earning her Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies and Master’s in Public Policy. While her passion for environmental policy has been long evident, her involvement in campus sustainability initiatives on campus has allowed her to solidify her career aspirations. Prior to her employment at the OEP, Hannah had directed her environmental passions towards EcoHusky, where she led a successful shoe and sneaker recycling drive as an officer in the student organization. After discovering the OEP internship opportunity and successfully receiving a position, Hannah quickly became an involved member of the OEP team. In her time as an intern, Hannah has taken the lead on several initiative, such as: planning student engagement and educational activities for UConn@COP, organizing the first inter-fraternity recycling competition as part of the annual football Green Game Day, assessing grant and fundraising opportunities for the Campus Sustainability Fund, and gathering data in order to complete the survey for the GreenMetric World University rankings, in which UConn has consistently scored among the top five. Along with a select group of 12 UConn students, she traveled in November 2016 to Marrakech, Morocco for the U.N.’s 22nd annual International Climate Summit (COP22) – it was her first time abroad!

Outside of the OEP, Hannah keeps a busy schedule, but not at the expense of academics, as she is a consistent CLAS Dean’s List student. After a year as an officer in EcoHusky, she remains active in the club, is an avid outdoorswoman AND massive “Chopped” fan. Hannah is planning on an environmental career after UConn – the past two summers she interned for Dominion Energy as a Diversity Scholarship Recipient. She worked for Dominion at their environmental lab on the Connecticut coast in 2016 and, this past summer, as an environmental compliance intern at their West Virginia plant. She enjoyed and excelled at her summer jobs, so much so that she will work with them again next summer, as an energy intern, at Dominion’s corporate headquarters in Richmond, Virginia. And while Hannah is clearly on an impressive trajectory towards a career in Environmental Policy, if all else fails, you will most likely find Hannah living her life as a scuba diver recovering lost things.

And there we have it – two more of our fabulous OEP Interns!

Next week, we will meet the final set of interns, the newest members of the OEP’s sustainability team: Sophie, Jon, and myself (Wawa)!
Until then!



2008 Preferred Purchases List

Fleet Fuel Standards

The following lists have been compiled by UConn's Office of Environmental Policy based on available vehicles from the University's contracted vendors, as well as according to Connecticut Legislation passed in 2007 under PA-242. This Public Act requires that state vehicle purchases to be in the top third of their class for city-based gas mileage and that fifty per cent of these shall be an alternative fueled, hybrid electric or plug-in electric vehicle.

The list of preferred vehicles was determined by using estimates of EPA fuel economy (city mpg) and emission standards. The Office of Environmental Policy has highlighted its recommended choice for each class based on evaluation of all criteria.

Subcompact Cars (top third = 20+ mpg)

Make Model City mpg Highway mpg EPA Air Score* EPA GHG Score** GHG Emissions
Honda Civic Manual 1.8L 26 34 7 8 6.3
Chevy Cobalt XFE 25 36 7 8 6.3
Honda Civic Auto 25 36 7 8 6.3
Chevy Aveo 5 Manual 24 34 6 8 6.8
Chevy Cobalt Manual (2.2L) 24 33 6 8 6.8
Honda Civic CNG 24 36 9.5 9 5.4
Chevy Aveo 5 Auto 23 32 6 8 7.1
Nissan Altima Coup Auto (2.5L) 23 31 7 8 7.1
Nissan Altima Manual (2.5L) 23 32 7 8 7.1
Chevy Cobalt Manual (2L) 22 30 6 7 7.3
Chevy Cobalt Auto (2.2L) 22 31 7 8 7.1
Chevy Cobalt Auto (2.4L) 22 31 6 8 7.3
Chevy Cobal Manual (2.4L) 22 32 6 8 7.1
Honda Civic Manual 2.0L 21 29 6 7 7.7

Compact Cars (top third = 21+ mpg)

Make Model City mpg Highway mpg EPA Air Score* EPA GHG Score** GHG Emissions
Honda Civic Hybrid 40 45 9.5 10 4.4
Chevy Aveo Manual 24 34 7 8 6.8
Ford Focus Auto 24 33 7 8 6 .6
Ford Focus Manual 24 35 7 8 6.6
Chevy Aveo Auto 23 32 7 8 7.1
Honda Accord Coupe Manual (2.4L) 22 31 7 9 7.3
Honda Accord Coupe Auto (2.4L) 21 30 7 8 7.7

Midsize Cars (top third = 21+ mpg)

Make Model City mpg Highway mpg EPA Air Score* EPA GHG Score** GHG Emissions
Nissan Alitma Hybrid 35 33 9.5 9 5.4
Nissan Versa AV (1.8L) 27 33 7 8 6.3
Nissan Versa Manual 26 31 7 8 6.6
Nissan Sentra Auto (2.0L) 25 33 7 8 6.6
Chevy Malibu Hybrid 24 32 6 7 6.8
Dodge Caliber Manual (1.8L) 24 29 5 6 7.1
Nissan Sentra Manual (2.0L) 24 31 7 8 6.8
Nissan Sentra Auto (2.5L) 24 30 6 7 7.1
Nissan Versa Auto (1.8L) 24 32 7 8 6.8
Dodge Caliber Auto (2.0L) 23 27 6 7 7.7
Dodge Caliber Manual (2.4L) 23 29 7 7 7.3
Nissan Altima Auto (2.5L) 23 31 6 8 7.1
Nissan Altima Manual (2.5L) 23 32 7 8 7.1
Chevy Malibu Automatic (S6) (2.4L) 22 32 6 7 6.8
Chevy Malibu Auto (2.4L) 22 30 7 6 7.3
Chevy Classic (2.2L) 21 31 6 7 7.3
Dodge Avenger (2.4L) 21 30 7 7 7.7
Dodge Caliber Auto (2.4) 21 25 6 7 8
Dodge Caliber AWD 21 24 6 7 8.3
Nissan Sentra Manual (2.5L) 21 29 6 7 7.7

Large Cars (top third = 18+ mpg)

Make Model City mpg Highway mpg EPA Air Score* EPA GHG Score** GHG Emissions
Honda Accord Manual (2.4L) 22 31 7 7 7.3
Honda Accord Auto (2.4L) 21 31 7 7 7.7
Honda Accord Auto (3.5L) 19 29 7 6 8.3
Chevy Impala Auto (3.5L) 18 29 9.5 6 8.3
Chevy Impala FFV natural gas (3.5L) 18 29 6 8 8.3
Chevy Impala FFV natural gas (3.9L) 18 28 6 6 8.7
Dodge Charger Auto (2.7L) 18 26 6 6 8.7
Ford Taurus FWD 18 28 9.5 7 8.3
Mercury Sable FWD 18 28 9.5 6 8.3

Wagons (top third = 27+ mpg)

Make Model City mpg Highway mpg EPA Air Score* EPA GHG Score** GHG Emissions
Honda Fit Manual 28 34 6 8 5.9
Honda Fit Auto 27 34 6 9 6.1
Honda Fit A-S5 27 33 6 8 6.3

2WD Trucks (top third = 16+ mpg)

Make Model City mpg Highway mpg EPA Air Score* EPA GHG Score** GHG Emissions
Ford Ranger Pickup 2WD Manual (2.3L) 21 26 7 6 8
Ford Ranger Pickup 2WD Auto (2.3L) 19 24 7 6 8.7
Nissan Frontier 2WD Manual (2.5L) 19 23 7 6 8.7
Chevy Colorado Auto (2.9L) 18 24 7 6 9.2
Chevy Colorado Manual (2.9L) 18 24 7 5 9.2
Chevy Colorado Crew Cab 2WD Auto (2.9L) 18 24 7 6 9.2
Chevy Colorado Crew Cab 2WD Manual (2.9L) 18 24 7 6 9.2
GMC Canyon 2WD Auto 2.9L 18 24 7 6 9.2
GMC Canyon 2WD Manual (2.9L) 18 24 7 5 9.2
GMC Canyon Crew Cab 2WD Auto (2.9L) 18 24 7 6 9.2
GMC Canyon Crew Cab 2WD Manual (2.9L) 18 24 7 6 9.2
Nissan Frontier 2WD Auto (2.5L) 17 22 7 5 9.6
Chevy Colorado Auto 3.7L 16 22 7 5 10.2
Chevy Colorado Crew Cab 2WD Auto (3.7L) 16 22 7 5 10.2
Dodge Dakota Pickup 2WD Manual (3.7L) 16 20 6 5 10.2
Dodge Ram 1500 Pickup 2WD Manual (3.7L) 16 19 6 4 10.8
Ford Ranger Pickup 2WD Manual (3.0L) 16 22 7 5 10.2
GMC Canyon 2WD Auto (3.7L) 16 22 7 5 10.2
GMC Canyon Crew Cab 2WD Auto (3.7L) 16 22 7 5 10.2
Nissan Frontier 2WD Manual (4.0L) 16 20 7 4 10.8

4WD Trucks (top third = 15+ mpg)

Make Model City mpg Highway mpg EPA Air Score* EPA GHG Score** GHG Emissions
Chevy Colorado 4WD Auto (2.9L) 17 22 7 5 9.6
GMC Canyon 4WD Auto (2.9L) 17 22 7 5 9.6
Chevy Colorado 4WD Manual (2.9L) 16 22 7 5 10.2
GMC Canyon 4WD Manual (2.9L) 16 22 7 5 10.2
Chevy Colorado 4WD Auto (3.7L) 15 21 7 4 10.8
Chevy Colorado Cab Chassis inc 4WD 15 20 7 4 10.8
Chevy Colorado Crew Cab 4WD 15 20 7 4 10.8
Dodge Dakota Pickup 4WD Manual (3.7L) 15 19 6 4 11.4
Ford Ranger Pickup 4WD Manual (3L) 15 20 7 4 10.8
Ford Ranger Pickup 4WD Manual (4L) 15 19 6 4 11.4
GMC Canyon 4WD Auto (3.7L) 15 21 7 4 10.8
GMC Canyon Cab Chassis Inc 4WD 15 20 7 4 10.8
GMC Canyon Crew Cab 4WD 15 20 7 4 10.8
Honda Ridgeline Truck 4WD 15 20 7 4 10.8
Nissan Frontier Manual 15 19 7 4 10.8

2WD SUVs (top third = 18+ mpg)

Make Model City mpg Highway mpg EPA Air Score* EPA GHG Score** GHG Emissions
Ford Escape Hybrid FWD 34 30 9.5 9 5.7
Mercury Marnier Hybrid FWD 34 30 9.5 9 5.7
Chevy HHR FWD Auto (2.2L) 22 30 7 7 7.3
Chevy HHR FWD Auto (2.4L) 22 28 7 7 7.7
Chevy HHR Panel FWD Auto (2.2L) 22 30 7 7 7.3
Chevy HHR Panel FWD Auto (2.4L) 22 28 7 7 7.7
Ford Escape FWD Manual (2.3L) 22 28 7 7 7.7
Nissan Rogue FWD 22 27 6 7 7.7
Chevy HHR FWD Manual (2.0L) 21 29 6 7 7.7
Chevy HHR FWD Manual (2.2L) 21 30 7 7 7.7
Chevy Tahoe 1500 Hybrid 2WD 8cyl 21 22 6 6 8.7
GMC Yukon 1500 Hybrid 2WD 21 22 6 6 8.7
Chevy HHR FWD Manual (2.4L) 20 28 7 7 8
Chevy HHR Panel FWD Manual 2.2L 20 30 7 7 7.7
Chevy HHR Panel FWD Manual (2.4L) 20 29 7 7 8
Ford Escape FWD Auto (2.3L) 20 26 6 6 8.3
Honda CR-V 2WD 20 27 7 7 8
Honda Element 2WD Automatic 20 25 6 6 8.3
Chevy HHR FWD Auto (2.0L) 19 28 6 6 8.3
Mercury Marnier FWD (2.3L) 19 24 6 6 8.7

4WD SUVs (top third = 18+ mpg)

Make Model City mpg Highway mpg EPA Air Score* EPA GHG Score** GHG Emissions
Ford Escape Hybrid 4WD 29 27 9.5 8 6.6
Mercury Marnier Hybrid 4WD 29 27 9.5 8 6.6
Nissan Rogue AWD 21 26 6 7 8
Chevy Tahoe 1500 Hybrid 4WD 20 20 6 6 9.2
GMC Yukon 1500 Hybrid 4WD 20 20 6 6 9.2
Honda CR-V 4WD 20 26 7 6 8.3
Ford Escape 4WD Auto 2.3L 19 24 6 6 8.7
Honda Element 4WD Auto 19 24 6 6 8.7
Mercury Mariner 4WD Auto 2.3L 19 24 6 6 8.7
Honda Element 4WD Manual 18 23 6 6 9.2

2015 Paris Climate Conference Hub

The University of Connecticut sent twelve students, four faculty, and two representatives from the Office of Environmental Policy to Paris for events relating to the COP21 Climate Summit. This cohort of students, staff, and faculty will attend several climate change related events and programs including the Global Landscapes Forum, EarthUniversity, and Solutions COP21.

In Response to COP21

Blogs from UConn@COP21 inspired plenty of comments, emails and tweets from colleagues and friends, and even lengthier reflections from a few of our readers.


Meet the Students

Click here to check out profiles of the students that traveled to Paris with UConn.

Faculty Highlights

Mark Urban, faculty co-chair of UConn @COP21 recently co-authored an article for The New York Times:

T-Shirt Weather in the Arctic (with UConn video), Published by The New York Times, February 5th, 2016

UConn@COP21 News and Blogs

Climate Change, the Supreme Court and Presidential Politics, Published by OEP Blog, February 18th, 2016

Reflections on COP21, Published by OEP Blog, January 13th, 2016

#COP 21: A Student's Perspective, Published by NextGenClimate, December 16th, 2015

Thoughts from Paris, Published by OEP Blog, December 11th, 2015

UConn's Return from COP21, Published by The Daily Campus, December 11th, 2015

UConn Travels to Paris, Published by The Daily Campus, December 7th, 2015

Bonjour from UConn@COP21 Published by OEP Blog, December 4th, 2015

UConn Co-Sponsored Events in Paris

Climate - COP21 - Event Image

Progress Towards Carbon Neutrality – UConn’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions

On March 25, 2008, University of Connecticut President Michael Hogan signed the American College & University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) promising that the university would aim for carbon neutrality by 2050. This means that the university would have to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide, through new projects and sustainable initiatives.

UConn tracks Scope 1, 2, and 3* emissions, and calculates them with the help of the widely used University of New Hampshire Campus Carbon Calculator (CCC) to try to reach this goal. Compiling information to calculate carbon emissions is very involved and requires that the Office of Environmental Policy collaborate with many departments around campus.

So what are these scopes of emission sources?

Scope 1 – direct GHG emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by the entity, including fossil fuels burned on site, emissions from entity-owned or entity-leased vehicles, and other direct sources.


Scope 2 – indirect GHG emissions resulting from the generation of electricity, heating and cooling, or steam generated off site but purchased by the entity.ghg9

Scope 3 – indirect GHG emissions from sources not owned or directly controlled by the entity but related to the entity’s activities, such as employee travel and commuting, contracted solid waste disposal, and contracted wastewater treatment.

*UConn does not fully track Scope 3 Emissions. Certain sources, such as sponsored air travel, are not calculated due to inability to adequately acquire data. The following data are approximate, calculated using the University of New Hampshire CCC.

How much emissions come from each source at UConn?ghg7.png

Since the signing of this agreement, UConn has finished many projects to reduce emissions. These include over 100 re-lamping projects, and enhancing building energy efficiency through retrocommissioning.

So, where are we now?ghg8.png

Despite extensive new building projects and very cold winters, UConn has made emissions progress since 2007. When it is exceptionally cold, the campus’s great heating demands require natural gas curtailment days, during which the Co-Generation plant, our campus’s major energy supplier, uses oil instead of natural gas. Overall, key emissions take-aways include:

  • 1% decrease since 2007 with curtailment included
  • 9% decrease since 2007 if curtailment never happened
  • New Building Construction has accounted for Direct Source Emissions increase in recent years
  • Air travel is not included in Scope 3 emissions due to inconsistencies in record keeping
  • Scope 3 Emissions, primarily Student/Faculty Commuting numbers, were based off of consistent methodology over the years, whereas permit numbers were used to estimate commuting mileage
  • The Central Utility Plant is UConn’s primary Scope 1 Emissions source
  • Scope 2 Emissions consisted only of purchased electricity from ConEd

The OEP is always looking for more information to better track GHG emissions, but overall signs of emissions progress are promising. Emissions are the primary reason for climate change, so any reduction counts.
